About Us

The South Florida Enrollment Coalition (SFEC) is a unified, coordinated network of Broward and Miami-Dade partners committed to reducing the uninsured rate in South Florida. The SFEC maximizes resources from each participating organization to provide and strengthen staff development and training, support Navigator and assister organizations, coordinate referrals and services among members, conduct networking and information sharing, and conduct coordinated outreach and enrollment events among hard-to-reach and disadvantaged communities.

Our Mission

The mission of The South Florida Enrollment Coalition (SFEC) is to provide access to affordable healthcare coverage for individuals and families in Broward and Miami-Dade counties. As a unified and coordinated network of partners, we are committed to reducing the uninsured rate in South Florida by leveraging resources, providing education and outreach, and facilitating enrollment in the health insurance marketplace. We aim to promote equitable and inclusive access to healthcare for all members of our community, regardless of their income or background. Through our collaborative efforts, we strive to improve the health and well-being of South Florida residents and strengthen our region’s healthcare system.

Core Values

The South Florida Enrollment Coalition (SFEC) upholds the following core values in fulfilling its mission to reduce the uninsured rate in South Florida:

Access and Equity: We believe that all individuals and families in South Florida deserve access to affordable and quality healthcare coverage, regardless of their income, race, ethnicity, or background.

Collaboration: We believe working together in a unified and coordinated network of partners is essential to achieving our shared goal of reducing the uninsured rate in South Florida.

Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals and families to make informed decisions about their healthcare coverage by providing education and outreach and facilitating enrollment in health insurance programs.

Innovation: We believe in leveraging innovative strategies and technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our efforts to reduce the uninsured rate in South Florida.

Transparency: We believe in transparency in our actions and decisions, and we strive to operate with honesty and integrity in all our interactions with partners, stakeholders, and the community.

Continuous Improvement: We believe in continuously learning, adapting, and improving our approaches to better serve the needs of our community and achieve our mission.

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